The hatchery is ready :-)
I built the hatchery inside the wardrobe (only space left for tanks). The small plastic container on the left is for water changes (preparing the salty water). Next to it are two glass jars (1.5 liters, with air-stones) for the carrying Amanos, where they will hatch. Those jars are cycling at the moment. I wrapped some of the used filter cotton form my established tank, around the air stones to jump-start the cycle. I don't want the Amano females suffering due high nitrites. Will add one stem of Hygrophila polysperma into each jar so the females have something to hold onto. Maximum 4 days after the hatching, larvae will be transferred into the marine water tank on the right (with the blue cover). Salt is already added, and the water is agitated by an air-stone. I would like to have aged water when time is near. Specific gravity is 1.027 (or 35.8 ppt, I used this converter). I will lower it down to 34 ppt before adding all the Amano zoea. One bulb is placed over the rearing tank (7W compact fluorescent) and will be on for 24/7.
The big white tank on the back left, is a freshwater tank with gravel substrate and is cycling at the moment (same, aged filter cotton around an air stone). After the cycle is finished I will add a few Malaysian Trumpet Snails to keep nitrifying bacteria happy until the young Caridina japonica shrimps "arrive" :-) Can't wait to meet them!!!
Photos by Dusko Bojic.
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